Jerusalem from the east, 1894

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New Book

القدس تاريخ المستقبل
تحرير عصام نصار
منشورات مؤسسة الدراسات الفلسطينية


Blast at Samiramis Hotel

New York Times, Jan, 5, 1948
page 2


A view of "Yehud," or what was a year earlier the Palestinian village of al-Abasiyeh, in 1949

Amman in 1947

Damascus Gate

Damascus Gate of Jerusalem
late Ottoman period
hand-colored photograph
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Truman recognizes Israel

Letter of Harry Truman
on May 14, 1948 recognizing
the provisional government 
of the Jewish State in Palestine

newspaper addresses Balfour

al-Shura newspaper that came out of Egypt
addressing Lord Balfour upon his arrival in
Palestine for the opening ceremony of the 
Hebrew University

letter from an activist

This letter is from the papers of Awni Abdel Hadi 
it is from an activist in the 1936 revolt in Nablus who lost 
his arm in the struggle asking for help.

Market in Jaffa late 19th century

Photo by Bonfils most likely in the 1870s

sabil al-sultan sulieman

Cinema Dunia on main st. in Ramallah

Before its destruction!

poster from the world fair in 1904

Racial hierarchy according to Euro-Americans!

help me identify people in this picture

meeting in Jerusalem in 1936